Master degree in Chinese Medicine. BC licensed acupuncturist and traditional Chinese Practitioner. Chief physician in China.

Dr. Guo gained tremendous amount of clinical experience in various illnesses for more than 30 years. She is not only specialized in the treatment of dermatology (skin disease), but also various pain syndromes such as neck hurts, frozen shoulder, back pain, knee pain and headache. With her expertise in acupuncture and herb medicine, digestive system problems, insomnia, hypertension, depression, climacteric syndrome, gynopathy and andropathy can be cured or significantly changed. She is also able to strengthen your immune system function.(主任医师,BC省注册针灸师、注册中医师) 具有30多年临床经验。曾在国内省中医院工作30余年,在长期的医疗实践中,积累了丰富的临床经验。运用针灸治疗各种痛症见效快、治愈率高。针、药并用治疗各种皮肤病、内科病及妇科病疗效确切、复发率低,并且可改善体质,提高免疫力,消除亚健康,受到广大患者好评。



R.A & R.TCM.P Master degree in Chinese Medicine. BC licensed acupuncturist and traditional C... Read More

Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice. Many diseases and chronic pains can be cured with her unique painless acupuncture treatment and advice on the usage of herbs. She is also good at helping people who have sub-health issues to enhance their immunity and bring them back to be healthy, fit and energetic again. We recommend you to try her amazing weight loss and cosmetic acupuncture treatments.

We proudly to have Julie here helping patients with the following symptoms:

High and low blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke; Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative convalescence; Morning sickness, inducing labor, fertility problems; Substance, tobacco and alcohol dependence; Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease; Some gastric conditions, including peptic ulcer, painful periods, dysentery, allergic rhinitis; Relieve pain such as headaches, migraines, facial pain, neck pain (stiff neck), rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow, sprains, back pain, spine pain, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis.

(注册高级中医师、针灸师): 加拿大 BC省注册高级中医师、针灸师。具有13年以上加拿大针灸经验。应用独特创新的无痛针灸技术为病人治疗各种疑难杂症或亚健康人士提供调养身体、能量支持,增强人体免疫力,抗衰老;改善身体体质调理月经助孕;以及针灸减肥美容等服务。服务人群0-100岁。治愈无数疑难杂症患者如:小儿食欲障碍,老年痴呆,肥胖症,白癜风等而誉满大温地区,特别是独特的针法能够解除癌症病人的放化疗期间的各种不适和副作用,增加病人优质红细胞,抵抗癌症病人白细胞水平降低,为癌症病人的治疗和康复提供保障,不少病患慕名来,顽疾得以根治康复而归。 常规门诊治疗:内、外、妇、儿、男皮肤眼耳嘴鼻喉手脚病;残疾;儿童长高,提高智力生长发育;抗衰老老除皱生发; 睡眠障碍,各种痛证及妇科杂症,慢性病康复等。

Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into apply... Read More

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